Warm sheets, cold room; your bed seems the best place to be in chilly weather. You often don’t feel like getting out of bed and starting your day. But what if it’s not about ‘’not wanting to’’ but ‘’cannot’’? What if you try to leave behind your cocoon, but your body refuses?Does the same happen in warm weather or at any other time of the day when you have just lied down to take a nap? How much longer are you going to sleep on your alarm? It’s time to wake up to the reality that this struggle is more than your idleness and needs to be corrected.

You have a term for your condition; dysania.

Dysania is not yet officially recognized as a medical disorder, but it is a chronic condition where the sufferer cannot get out of bed. Just the thought of getting up gives them anxiety. They also yearn for their beds once they leave them.

Dysania is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying chronic condition such as severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, grief, thyroid issues, and sleep disorders

It could also be due to substance use disorder. Hormones can also be the culprit in some cases. Hormonal changes may disturb your sleep cycles; sleep deprivation may lead to a spike or drop in hormonal levels. Estrogen level declines in menopause that disturb your sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation has stated that 7-9 hours are enough for an adult. It may exceed the range but stretching the hours too wide or staying in bed for days indicates some severe condition for which you need to visit your health professional.

Lifestyle changes can help overcome your incapability to get up.

It might not be possible to suddenly shed your skin off and become a new person, a morning person in particular. But you need to bring about a few minor changes in your life to manage this condition.

Let’s start with someone in your life to motivate and support you on this recovery journey. Be liable to someone who can keep an eye on you at least once in a while. A little care may encourage you to push yourself harder. Studies have shown that pets are known to reduce stress. You may also need to get up often to fulfill their needs.

Do what you love; listening to music, reading books, eating your favorite snacks, talking to someone, or just taking an excellent shower at the moment. 

Focus on proceeding with small steps and be proud of these little achievements. Set a goal for the day and plan things accordingly. Fill your calendars with outings and events or activities that you can eagerly look forward to.

Step out in daylight. Outdoor walks are a mood lifter. Exposure to sunlight is also known to elevate levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, a hormone that makes a person feel good.

To lift your mood, you need to brighten your room. Throw open the curtains and let the darkness seep away. And with all this, do not ignore your health issues; keep visiting your doctor to seek treatment.

Sometimes holding your blankets tight, hiding your face in the pillow, and shutting your eyes, shutting yourself away from the world may seem the most comforting thing to do. But this may take a toll on your mental and physical health; only you can rescue yourself from it. Treating this overwhelming urge is an arduous and lengthy process, but it just starts with a single step, i.e., getting out of bed.