Have you Been Diagnosed With Restless Legs Syndrome?

Have you Been Diagnosed With Restless Legs Syndrome?

Does feeling the need to move your feet or legs at night keep you awake? It would help if you were diagnosed with Restless Legs Syndrome. This syndrome is related to movement and sensation. In restless legs syndrome, you might experience an unpleasant sensation or...
Do You Have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver?

Do You Have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver?

What do you know about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) refers to liver conditions that affect individuals who consume very little to no alcohol. In this disease, a high amount of fat is stored within the liver cells....
Do You Have Dairy Or Lactose Sensitivity?

Do You Have Dairy Or Lactose Sensitivity?

Lactose intolerance or dairy allergy? Do you suffer from any of these? Do you often hear people say that they cannot drink milk because lactose intolerant? But at the same time, do they eat cheese and other dairy products, and they stay just fine? This might not...
Do You Have A Sleep Problem That Has Been Diagnosed?

Do You Have A Sleep Problem That Has Been Diagnosed?

Do you suffer from irregular sleep patterns? What happens if you don’t get enough sleep? Suppose you wake up frequently during the night and face issues related to unrefreshing night sleep, indicating that you are not getting the required quality sleep. It...
How Gut Health Is Connected To Stress And Anxiety

How Gut Health Is Connected To Stress And Anxiety

Do you always have a certain ‘gut feeling’ when making an important decision? Have you felt ‘nauseous’ while giving that interview? Did you experience ‘butterflies’ in your stomach talking to your crush? All these expressions are used for a reason. The connection of...