Fundamentally, the way all your body organs and systems work results from the food you put in your gut. All the systems in our body are connected and linked together and function through various enzymes, hormones, and chemicals that need to stay in balance for a healthier life. 

Ever wonder why your skin would break out or become itchy out of nowhere? Why does your skin become dry in cold weather? Why would your skin flush after a heavy workout? Even after using all the necessary skincare products, your skin wouldn’t get any better? Did you try comprehending if your skin conditions are somewhat related to the food you are consuming? 

Your skin projects your gut health and correlates with the food you consume. There can be allergic or inflammatory reactions that might cause skin rashes or itchiness, but most chronic skin conditions are related to your gut health. 

The Gut-Skin Connection:

A sick stomach can have a significant impact on your entire health, particularly the appearance of your skin, including rashes, inflammation, and eczema. The gut microbiome is an ecosystem of microorganisms present in your gut that affects your entire health, particularly your skin. Inflammation is frequent in those who have a poor gut, and it usually manifests as symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and, in some cases, bloody stool. What you eat not only provides nutrition for you but also provides food for the billions of bacteria living in your gut. The essential factor in achieving clear and healthy skin is nutrition since the gut microbiome affects your health status, improving your skin.

How gut health affects skin health:

Given how closely the gut-skin connection is linked, One can only accomplish optimal skin health through a multifunctional approach. First, you must evaluate all factors and how they all interact. Your skin, as your largest organ, requires the same care and attention as any other part of your body. There’s no doubt that good skin health necessitates effective skincare, but it also entails considering what’s going on on the inside.

You must reduce gut inflammation by evaluating your food, beverage, supplement, and medicine consumption, assessing your stress levels, particularly sleep, considering any undetected food sensitivities, and doing everything you can to promote healthier gut bacteria.

Improving your gut health:

  • Everyone has a unique body, but diet significantly impacts all body types. Try to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of plant-based foods high in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains, because these foods nourish good bacteria.
  • Avoid highly processed foods at all costs since they frequently contain additives that either inhibit or enhance ‘bad’ microbes.
  • Exposure to potentially toxic environments can harm your gut health.
  • Probiotic foods, including yogurt, may promote the growth of additional ‘good’ microorganisms.
  • The largest concentration of microbe-friendly polyphenols is found in extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Gut bacteria benefit from artichokes, lettuce, chicory, leeks, shallots, onions, and garlic.
  • Exercise encourages bowel movement.
  • Try not to become overly anxious or stressed.

Controlling your skin health is easy when you understand how your gut health is linked to it and consume food which ultimately helps keep both in top form. The goal of Fantastic Life is to provide you with personalized nutrition plans designed by healthcare professionals to guide you towards a healthier life.