Did you know that quality of life starts deteriorating after the age of 27? It might start with a headache, back pain, low immunity, gas, bloating, inflammation, a skipped heartbeat, palpitations, sleeplessness. Depending on the nature of our lifestyle, this can and does escalate into chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and many more. Did you know that over 70% of deaths in this world are attributed to chronic illnesses.

Young Lady in Hospital

Did you also know that the underlying root cause of these lifestyle diseases is hormonal imbalance. While western medicine focuses on managing symptoms, understanding hormone imbalances and restoring that balance naturally, helps one get to the root cause and address the health issue.

Hormone balancing has been proven to be an effective and natural way to manage human health. For people suffering from chronic illnesses, hormone balancing works very well. People who are living lives with no real issues today are on the verge of developing some serious health issues in the future. That is the nature of our 21st-century lifestyle.

While sleeping right, exercising frequently, relaxing the mind and eating right have hormone-balancing effects. A number of these require forming new habits.

Fantastic Life,Support,Hormone Balancing,Startup,Chronic Illnesses,Cardiovascular,alzheimers,Arthiritis,Diebetes,Type 2 Diebetes,Chronic Pain,Bloating,Inflammation,Skipped heartbeat,palpitations

However, most of us eat 3 times a day, an activity that needs no habit formation. And eating right is an extremely effective way to correct hormonal imbalances. Did you know that you could balance your hormones by eating certain types of foods and avoiding others? This is the naturopathic and functional medicine way.

That my friends is the mechanism we at Fantastic Life are using to help you restore your hormonal balance. Fantastic Life is the world’s first hormone-balancing nutrition solution.

Fantastic Life,Support,Hormone Balancing,Startup,Chronic Illnesses,Cardiovascular,alzheimers,Arthiritis,Diebetes,Type 2 Diebetes,Chronic Pain,Bloating,Inflammation,Skipped heartbeat,palpitations

Our 74 symptom-based questions, designed by healthcare professionals, are analyzed to determine your hormonal state and derive your personalized nutrition plan. A personalized nutrition plan that tells you which are the right hormone-balancing foods you should incorporate and which foods to avoid. By making subtle changes in what you eat, you can take serious action towards your health. Over 50% of Americans are living with at least 1 or more chronic illnesses, Canadians are not far behind.

We need your help! If you believe that a solution like Fantastic Life is needed in this world, help bring this to life by purchasing a nutrition plan for $9.99. And share this page with one other person that will benefit from it. Not only would you be investing in your own health, but you would also be supporting this startup get to the next stage.